Stage Hooks configuration



Introduced in Togomak v1.5.0

Pre-Hooks are stages that run immediately before the execution of the primary stage. They are defined using the pre_hook block in your Togomak configuration. Pre-hooks are typically used for tasks that prepare the environment or perform setup actions necessary for the main stage's success.

  • Execution Order: Pre-hooks execute before the primary stage.
  • Dependency Relationship: Pre-hooks can have their dependencies, just like any other stage. This ensures that certain pre-processing tasks are completed before the main stage starts.
  • Use Cases: Pre-hooks are useful for actions such as environment setup, data preparation, or resource provisioning that need to be in place before the main task begins.
  • Customization: You can configure pre-hooks with their own parameters, environment variables, and any other relevant settings.


togomak.hcl copy
togomak {
  version = 2
stage "hello" {
  pre_hook {
    stage {
      script = "echo running before the main script in pre-hook"
  script = "echo running in the hello stage"



Introduced in Togomak v1.5.0

Post-Hooks are stages that run immediately after the main stage completes, regardless of whether the primary stage succeeded or failed. They are defined using the post_hook block in your Togomak configuration. Post-hooks are commonly used for tasks that clean up resources, generate reports, or trigger notifications after the primary stage's execution.

  • Execution Order: Post-hooks execute after the primary stage, even if the primary stage fails.
  • Dependency Relationship: Post-hooks can also have dependencies, ensuring that certain tasks run in a specific order after the main stage.
  • Use Cases: Post-hooks are useful for actions like logging, resource cleanup, reporting, and notifications, which should occur regardless of the main stage's outcome.
  • Customization: Similar to pre-hooks, you can configure post-hooks with specific parameters, environment variables, and settings tailored to their


togomak.hcl copy
togomak {
  version = 2
stage "hello" {
  script = "echo running in the hello stage"
  post_hook {
    stage {
      script = "the stage completed with status ${this.status}"