Module Blocks


Introduced in Togomak v2.0.0-alpha.5

In Togomak, a module can be a group of stages stored in a local path, remote git repository, or a cloud storage bucket. A module block accepts a source argument which specifies the source togomak file. The provided path must point to a directory, and the directory must contain atleast one file named togomak.hcl.

Compare with import for a module behavior.

Example with simple modules

The following example loads a module from the local subdirectory, under the ./module directory.

  • togomak.hcl
    • togomak.hcl
  • togomak.hcl
    togomak {
      version = 2
    module "something" {
      source = "./module"
    stage "example" {
      script = "echo hello world from root"
    togomak {
      version = 2
    stage "example" {
      name   = "example"
      script = "echo hello world"

    Example with remote modules

    The following example, fetches a remote module from a GitHub repository.

    togomak {
      version = 2
    module "parallel" {
      for_each = toset(["alpha", "beta", "gamma"])
      source = ""

    As a general note, macro blocks and module blocks are very similar in how they work. macro uses a child subprocess, while module uses a goroutine. module blocks offer a better path resolution by correctly resolving path.module, path.cwd and path.owd if you are looking to resolve relative paths (relative to the module, or relative to current working directory, etc.). macro blocks, on the other hand, do not correctly resolve path.module.