tf provider


Introduced in Togomak v1.4.0

The tf provider uses Terraform as a data source for your pipeline. Sometimes, you might want to run a integration test against a private IP address of a Google Cloud Compute VM - now, using the provider, you can directly use the Terraform data blocks to get data directly into your pipeline.

By default, the Terraform Data provider runs a terraform plan and an terraform apply only if the plan shows no changes. This means that it can retrieve the data from data blocks. In certain cases, you might have to create the resource for the data to be available. In those cases, you may set the allow_apply attribute, set to True.


  • terraform, v1.0.0 or above. Terraform compatible forks like OpenTofu is also allowed. terraform needs to be available on $PATH.


togomak {
  version = 2
data "tf" "this" {
  source = "."
  allow_apply = true
stage "hello" {
  script = "echo hello world"
stage "delayed" {
  script = "echo Here is a random pet name: ${}"
resource "random_pet" "pet" {


Argument Reference

  • source - (required) The source from where the Terraform files need to be sourced from.
  • allow_apply - (optional) If set to false, if terraform plan shows infrastructure changes, it will fail. Defaults to false
  • vars - (optional) - A list of string key-value pairs which would be passed to Terraform as values to variable block.

Attributes Reference

You would reference the Terraform result like you would do in Terraform, just prefix<id> before accessing the object. See the example for a sample usage on the random_pet resource.